Hummer has long ceased to exist as an independent brand: now it is the GMC line. And nothing is left of the brutal “frames” – the name GMC Hummer is stuffed with electronics “green” pickups and SUVs.
However, all this does not prevent third-party businessmen from benefiting from the manufacturer’s fame. For example, those who decided to produce a four-wheel drive electric bike under the Hammer brand.
American electric bike manufacturer Recon Power Bikes has entered into a licensing agreement with GM, which provides for the release of premium bikes under the Hummer EV logo.
Since two electric motors with a power of 750 W each are mounted in the hubs of the bicycle, the “two-wheeled” can be all-wheel drive and reach a maximum speed of 45 km / h. However, for driving on asphalt, it is possible to use one electric motor: only the front or rear.
Hummer EV bikes will be sold at brand dealerships. They can be bought together with a new SUV, or ordered separately. The approximate cost of a two-wheeled Hummer is $3,500.